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Thursday, April 23, 1998

A work session meeting of the Board of Education was held on Thursday, April 23, 1998, in the Administration Building, 379 Boulevard, Hasbrouck Heights, New Jersey. The meeting was called to order at 7:40 p.m. by the Vice President, Mrs. Colleen Jarvis.

Mrs. Jarvis read the following statement:

"Pursuant to the New Jersey Open Public Meeting Act, Public Law 1975, Chapter 231, the Board Secretary caused notice of this meeting to be given to the public and the press on March 30, 1998".

Roll Call was taken by Roberta Henriquez, Board Secretary, and the following members responded to their names:

Present -
Mr. Casella Mrs. Nasuta
Mrs. Fitzgibbons Mr. Suriano
Mrs. Jarvis Dr. Eglow (Arr. 7:45 p.m.)
Vacancy on Board
Absent None

Also present - Dr. Stepura, Mrs. Henriquez, Mr. Dzwilewski

Mrs. Jarvis called the meeting to order. The members discussed the meeting before re-organization.

Mrs. Jarvis mentioned that she would like to nominate Dr. Eglow for the Archie Hay Award and since Dr. Eglow had not yet arrived, she said that a resolution must be acted upon at the public meeting. The consensus of the board was to act on the resolution.


Mrs. Henriquez reported on the following:

2. Two applications for extended school program.
3. Reported on the IDEA grant.
4. Kris Szymanski's resignation.
5. Noreen LaFergola's resignation.
6. Mrs. O Brien's request for maternity and family leave.
7. Mrs. Maisch's resignation.
8. Mr. Howe's resignation.

Mrs. Henriquez also reported on the dental program which was requoted for the 1998-99 school year. A resolution will be placed on the agenda for board approval of Direct Dental Network which had the lowest quote.

All correspondence is on file in the Board Secretary's office.

Report of the Superintendent:

Dr. Stepura reported on the following:

1. School funding issues.
2. Will be teaching a course in Saddle Brook and is advising the board per his contract.
3. Reviewed draft calendar with the board along with Mr. Casella who reported that the calendar committee had no problem with the draft. The members discussed the calendar.
4. Congratulated Mrs. Hagert and Mrs. Kalisch on the Tower Project.
5. Met with Mrs. Geftic on a program about the holocaust.
6. Received state approval on upcoming referendum educational specifications and received appropriated codes.
7. Received operating expenses on the referendum from DMR.
8. Dr. Stepura asked Dr. MacDonall to report on the technology grant. Dr. MacDonall reported that we did not get the $95,000 grant.
9. Dr. Stepura congratulated Mrs. Geftic and students on an award they received through the pilot log.
10. Discussed with the board his intentions of acknowledging of staff and students for awards and any other significant accomplishments.
11. Working with Dr. Dissinger on teacher in-service day and Goals 2000.
12. Reported on a State Teacher of the Year Program and how it works. He would like to proceed with this program.

Education Committee

Mrs. Jarvis reviewed the resolutions to be acted upon at the April 30, 1998 public meeting.

Mrs. Jarvis stated that the Education Committee met and were looking at programs for next year. She reported on the pri

Finance Committee

Mrs. Carroll reviewed the resolutions to be acted upon at the April 30, 1998 public meeting.

Dr. Eglow questioned the appointment of the Superintendent of Schools being the Truant Officer.

Athletics and Recreation Committee

Mrs. Fitzgibbons reviewed the resolutions to be acted upon at the April 30, 1998 public meeting.

The members discussed the summer self sustaini

Policy Committee

Mrs. Nasuta reviewed the resolution to be acted upon at the April 30, 1998 meeting and requested that Policies #3300 Expenses, #6142.10 Computers and #6242.10 Network and Computers be tabled until they are revised.

Future Directions Committee

Mr. Suriano spoke about the meeting which will be held on April 27, 1998 on the upcoming building referendum. He reported on the presentations that were made to date and the presentations to be made to the public and the flyer which was distributed. He reported on the agenda, and the resolution which will be acted upon by the board to show their support of the referendum at the April 27, 1998 meeting. The members discussed the resolution and it was the consensus of the board to approve the resolution.

Buildings and Grounds Committee

He also reported that we only have about $60,000 left in this year's budget for roofing. The need is the English Wing, however, the estimated cost is approximately $125,000. The Building and Grounds Committee is recommending that the English Wing have the roof replaced. It is also recommended that it be funded next year, with the funds from surplus not expended this year and the money appropriated from the new budget.

Community Relations Committee

Mr. Casella reported that the committee has been working closely with the CABS Committee regarding the building referendum. The members discussed the next article to be placed in the paper.

Labor Relations Committee

No Report.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:11 p.m. to private session.

Respectfully submitted,

Roberta E. Henriquez
Board Secretary

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